Monday, October 29, 2018

Flat Stanley: The Musical!

It has been a couple of years since our Flat Stanley Project, but we recently went on a field trip with our homeschool co-op to see Flat Stanley the Musical and had to bring our Flat Manly along.

"That's me!"

Derby Dinner Playhouse in Jeffersonville, Indiana is a great place for guests to enjoy live musical theater with a breakfast/dinner buffet. We went with a school group so we only enjoyed the musical, but it was fun to see one of our favorites books come to life in song and even included a giant flat puppet Stanley Lambchop!

Derby Dinner's Flat Stanley Project display board in the lobby

It was fun to revisit our Flat Stanley Project again and remember the amazing places he traveled to for our home school. Maybe someday we will tackle our final challenge: to get Stanley to the 7th continent Antarctica!

Welcome to Flat Stanley Adventures!

We are a homeschooling family who love connecting with people and having crazy adventures in the name of education. So when we found out that we would be learning about the 50 States of America year school year, we decided to participate in the Flat Stanley Project.

Here's our Stanley! Ain't he cute?

We sent out a call on Facebook asking friends if anyone would like to be a part of our project and host our Flat Stanley in their home state. We had hoped for maybe fifteen or twenty friends to volunteer. Within ten days, we had volunteers IN ALL 50 STATES and several countries.

And since we have begun, more offers to take Stanley on adventures continue to come in!

This project has taken on a life of its own - we added two other Flat Stanley characters to better organize our efforts: his siblings Flat Manly and Flat Sally. With so many amazing photos and stories pouring in, we felt it necessary to share and to make these resources available to everyone!

Flat Sally                                     Flat Manly

My hope to is to make this blog into an easily accessible and fun learning tool for kids who are learning about the U.S.A. and other world cultures. The kids and I will research and compile information about each state/country, and include photos and stories from our hosts.  Also included on this site are guidelines, printables, and helpful tips to participate in your own Flat Stanley Project!

We hope to enjoy learning and exploring with us!

Donna, Headmistress
Four Maples Academy

Flat Stanley the Musical!

Today we enjoyed watching "Flat Stanley the Musical" at our local Derby Dinner Playhouse! It was so fun to see the original story of Flat Stanley come to life, and it reminded us of all of  the adventures that our own Flat Stanleys went on around the world!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hello from Uganda!

Our pastor Chris at Eastern Heights Baptist Church offered to take Flat Manly with him to Uganda! Pastor Chris was part of a team that focused on teaching church members how to use the Creation to Christ story to share the Gospel with others. Here are a few photos of their adventure there!

Manly (whispering): "Thanks Pastor Chris!"

Friday, September 18, 2015

Flat Manly Says, "Ciao!" from Italy!

G-bug and Truth's grandma has a globe trotting friend named Ms. Ruthie. She invited our own Flat Manly to join her on a trip through Italy! I'll share her photos and the fun facts she sent us below.

 "Ciao, everybody!"

Today Flat Stanley went to the medieval town of Siena, Italy.
This first photo is outside of the Cathedral (it is referred to as the Duomo in Italy, as are all large cathedrals).  It was first referred to in 1136, and is made of white, green and red marble.
The second photo is the inside of the same Cathedral, lots of old paintings of bible stories and lots of statues of important figures of the Bible.


Flat Stanley wanted to pick an olive from an olive tree today.

Photos of Stanley at cooking class making Pasta at the "Casanova Farm" in Castellina in Chianti, Italy.


Grazie to Ms. Ruthie and Mr. Bob for sharing your adventure with us!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Flat Manly trotting the globe again: Bali, Indonesia and Qatar!

That Flat Manly - he gets to go to the coolest places! This time, Manly caught a ride with my pal Ms. Bethany to Bali. BALI, y'all. Tropical, beautiful, picturesque island of Bali.

Some paper people have all the luck.

Here's Manly hanging out with two of our favorite teachers, Ms. Chandler and Mr. Mike!

Manly also got to spend some time in Qatar- and he found a TON of cool stuff to check out at the airport. 

Duty free, Ms. B!!

G-Bug would LOVE this in her room!

Wait, are those the Avengers? Truth is going to FLIP!


Thanks Ms. Bethany for taking Manly with you on your trip to Asia! 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Flat Sally Goes to Washington, DC!

My awesome cousin Hyunjin has been hosting Flat Sally for several months and taking her on many wonderful adventures in South Korea. Little did we know that one adventure would bring them both back to the U.S. of A.

As luck would have it, Hyunjin was attending and speaking at a Tech Conference in Washington, D.C. and brought Sally along for the trip!

 My cousin is so cool.

 They also had some time to check out the National Gallery of Art - jealous!

Lastly, Sally and Hyunjin got a photo in front of the White House. This photo is especially meaningful to me, since Hyunjin and I actually went on a family road trip together to Washington D.C. 20 years ago and got a photo in front of the White House!
Top photo: Hyunjin is on the far right, and I'm the one in the purple striped overalls. Oh yes I did.
Bottom photo: Hyunjin and Sally looking cool.

Congratulations on a successful trip, Hyunjin, and thank you for another wonderful memory made!